Hello, my fellow 1,882 Bills fans!
How much do you wish the Bills and Vikings could play in the lake effect snow covering Buffalo this week? Forget the Ralph: let them play right on the i-90.
For those of you in “balmy” NYC, come check out the game at the world-famous McFadden’s, 2nd Avenue between 42nd and 43rd streets. The same specials as always apply:
While you’re trolling around the NYCBBB website, make sure to check out Michael Coniaris’ photos from the Steelers’ game:
And, if you can stomach it, you can check out my column on that same game:
Many of you have probably heard the “FitzMagic” song making the rounds. Did you know it got a shout out from Sports Illustrated’s “Extra Mustard?” You’ll have to scroll down a little to find it, if you can get past the Tiger Woods story:
Sure, Brett Favre’s more famous, but when’s the last time he had his own song? It seems that a re-work of the Clash’s “Should I Stay or Should I Go?” in his honor is long overdue. Or maybe Def Leppard’s “Photograph.”
While we’re at it, here’s an Esquire interview with one of the Buffalo Jills:
Enjoy the weekend, everyone. See you at McFadden’s!