Bills vs. Vikings this Sunday at McFadden’s!

Hello, my fellow 1,882 Bills fans!

How much do you wish the Bills and Vikings could play in the lake effect snow covering Buffalo this week? Forget the Ralph: let them play right on the i-90.

For those of you in “balmy” NYC, come check out the game at the world-famous McFadden’s, 2nd Avenue between 42nd and 43rd streets. The same specials as always apply:

While you’re trolling around the NYCBBB website, make sure to check out Michael Coniaris’ photos from the Steelers’ game:

And, if you can stomach it, you can check out my column on that same game:

Many of you have probably heard the “FitzMagic” song making the rounds. Did you know it got a shout out from Sports Illustrated’s “Extra Mustard?” You’ll have to scroll down a little to find it, if you can get past the Tiger Woods story:

Sure, Brett Favre’s more famous, but when’s the last time he had his own song? It seems that a re-work of the Clash’s “Should I Stay or Should I Go?” in his honor is long overdue. Or maybe Def Leppard’s “Photograph.”

While we’re at it, here’s an Esquire interview with one of the Buffalo Jills:

Enjoy the weekend, everyone. See you at McFadden’s!