Hello all 1,882 NYC Bills fans!
Well, the final game of the 2010 Bills season is here, and its a locally played game here against the NJ Jets. We’ve been getting requests from you about where to tailgate. Our usual Lot 16C spot no longer exists, and the NJ Meadowlands have a new OBNOXIOUS tiered parking system, where the more you pay for your ticket, the closer the lot you get to park in. So if you’re sitting in the upper deck and your buddy got corporate seats, tailgating together is near impossible.
Luckily, the Jets fans that always tailgate in Lot 16C reached out to us and told us where they now tailgate. We reached out to Kenny “Pinto” Johnson, and he’s going to tailgate in their new spot with the “16 lb shot glass”, grille, and other tailgating stuff that folks are free to use. Here’s where the spot is:
“So, we (what remains of the 16C tailgate), are forced to park across Rt, 120 in a lot for the Izod center. We park in Lot 26, in the southern end, 26A. There is a walkway there that goes over Rt. 120 and right to the gate, so it is not too bad. The only lot for non-PSL holders (orange parking pass holders), that is closer, is Lot B. We tried it at the start of the season, but it is a very small lot and fills up within 4 hours of game time.”
If you’re not heading to the stadium, be sure to head to McFadden’s! The game starts at 1pm, specials at noon.
Trent Edwards is starting for the Jaguars this week in a must-win game for them, that should be interesting!
Also, Phil wanted me to include this article on the Junior World Hockey Championships taking place in Buffalo right now:
GO BILLS! Enjoy your New Years!
Matt “talkin’ proud and there’s only ONE NFL Team in NY!” Kabel