Sahlen’s Hot Dogs!

Hello all,

As Matt S. said, we are trying to reach 500 email addresses this season, so keep forwarding this on to any Bills fans you know in the tri-state area!

Sahlens Hot Dogs
I spoke with a representative at and they are going to give us a discount on anything we need from them, so the Sahlens Hot Dog Day at McFadden’s is a go! I’m still trying to figure out an effective way to do a beef-on-weck night! Any suggestions?

Bills Decorations
Please let me know if anybody will be making a trip to Western New York before the first game next weekend. I’d like to get some Bills supplies for the bar to make it feel more Buffalo-ish.

11 days!
Only 11 days until the Bills take the field for the 2003 Season!!! This means that for most of us, this is the last free weekend we will have, so enjoy it because I’m sure we’ll be hitting the pillow early on Saturday nights for the next few months to be fresh for game days! We are finalizing details for this season at McFadden’s, so if you have any suggestions please email them to me ASAP!!!

ONLY 11 DAYS!!!!!!

— Matt “Talkin Proud” Kabel