Hello all,
Well…SHIT-auqua…7 losses…let the firings begin!
NY Giants
Yeah, I know I’m a little behind on this one. NYCBBB will be tailgating next Sunday at the Meadowlands in Lot 16C as always for the Bills Giants game. I will try to get a keg there, but want to know how many people are attending. Can you please email me if you are attending? I think this will be a smaller crowd than the Jets, it being Thanksgiving weekend, but “Pinto Ron” emailed me and said he will be there with his bowling ball, as will many other Buffalonians making the trip from WNY. So if you’re coming, I recommend you bring your own tailgate stuff. There will be no party bus this time.
Article in the Daily News
If you haven’t seen it already, a hockey reporter for the NY Daily News took some low-blow shots at the City of Buffalo in yesterday’s paper. I have cut and pasted the article (very short):
“Hey Buffalo, get a life!
In a recent column, I praised Sabres management for wringing the most for its payroll dollar out of its value-priced team, and added that the team’s performance might make life in Buffalo less depressing.
That comment provoked a caustic response from the Buffalo News, the city’s best (and only) daily newspaper. In a story that was brought to my attention by a source who shall remain nameless (namely, Buffalo News sports columnist Bucky Gleason), I was described as “culturally challenged,” as well as being born and bred in New Jersey. How the publication found out where I was bred is a tad disturbing, but the crack investigative work only underscores why the Buffalo News remains the city’s best (and only) daily newspaper.
I never meant to insult Buffalo. Indeed, I salute Buffalo’s many virtues. Take its fine cuisine. Buffalo is famous for two delicacies. One is roast beef on weck, which is overcooked mystery meat served on what appears to be a soft pretzel left over from the Sabres’ last appearance in the Stanley Cup Finals in 1999. The other is Buffalo wings, which consist of completely meatless chicken bones (this might be what goes into the roast beef on weck) that are coated in batter, fried and bathed in spices so hot you need to run outside and stick your head in a snowbank. Buffalo provides many of these year-round as a public service.
Forgive me, Buffalo. I solemnly vow that the next time I am forced to travel there on assignment, I will happily spend as much time and money as possible in your vibrant downtown. As soon as you build one.”
OK folks, please let me know if you are attending the Giants game ASAP!!!
— Matt “talkin proud and proud to say I’m not from JERSEY!” Kabel