Hello all 1,776 NYC Buffalo Bills fans,
It’s here. The 2008 Buffalo Bills season kicks off this Sunday at 1pm in Orchard Park and NYCBBB will be celebrating its 6th season watching games on 42nd and 2nd in Manhattan. I actually have two tickets for the opener on the lower level I’m looking to unload for face value if anybody wants to head up there, just shoot me an email.
Every year around this time we like to send out an email updating folks on how Sundays go down at McFadden’s and Calico Jack’s. The biggest piece of advice we can give is to GET THERE EARLY. This is especially true for the first couple games as hundreds of Bills fans descend into Midtown and many start lining up at 9am.
We’ve updated the FAQ section on our website which includes how to reserve tables, what the difference is between Calico’s and McFadden’s, what the specials are, etc. Please check it out. Oh yeah, Calico’s started accepting reservations at noon today for this week:
As I said at the start of this email, we are expecting HUGE crowds the first few weeks, so we just want to remind folks of a couple things.
1) TIPS – Please take care of your waitresses/bartenders! They’re coming in on a Sunday morning and pushing their way through hundreds of Bills fans. Last year they said tips were great, so let’s keep that going. If you have issues with ANY staff, please alert us and we will discuss with the bar/restaurant management.
2) WE’RE ALL FANS – When its crowded and somebody accidentally bumps into you, just remember that we are all Bills fans and there to have a good time. If somebody is acting inappropriately, please notify a McFadden’s/Calico’s staff member and they will address it. Again, last year we had no issues so just throwing it out there as a reminder.
3) SPECIALS – McFadden’s/Calico’s have offered the same specials as last year and have never raised prices on our members. As a result, we have no tolerance for folks abusing the specials by sneaking drinks or wings for themselves or friends. If you are caught stealing, you will be asked to leave and not permitted to return for the remainder of the season.
Kelly’s Pub
In addition, any folks in Brooklyn/Lower Manhattan or fans that want to avoid the crowds on 42nd and 2nd can head to Kelly’s Pub (kellysnyc.com) at 12 Avenue A in the East Village. The bar is co-owned by a former Buffalonian who, as a fellow fan, always has all the Bills games on with sound. They will be offering Buckets of Molson/Blue for $23 and although they don’t serve food, you can bring your own! They have also worked out a deal with Atomic Wings where you can get 10% off your order.
View From Calico Jack’s
Phil Mann continues his weekly column, kicking off his look at the upcoming season. Check it out!
Bills News
As always, check out www.billsdaily.com for all the latest Bills news!
Matt “Talkin’ proud and fired up for kickoff!” Kabel