Hello all,
Yes, McFadden’s and Calico Jacks will be showing the Jaguars game. They’ve had the AV stuff worked out well in advance in preparation for this Sunday’s game (which will be available via streaming through Yahoo). Game time is 9:30 am.
McFadden’s will be taking reservations starting at 8am. Yes 8am! Call 212-986-1515. _**Table must arrive by 8:30AM (entire party must be present).**_
They are also going to do kegs and eggs (with bacon) for first half of the game. Wings after until the end of of game.
For reservations for Calico’s, call 212-557-4300. Same times as above.
Lets hope for a bounce back against the 1-5 Jags and for the walking wounded heal up quick.
Go Bills!