Eagles at Bills

Hello all 2,200+ NYC Bills Fans!

As I said last week, I was hoping for a blowout of the Miami Dolphins and anything less would be concerning. During the game at Public House I was asked often if we should be worried yet, to which I always replied, “Nope, I think they’re going to pull this off.”  In the end they did, but chalk it up to the old saying:

Bad teams find ways to lose.

Good teams find ways to win.

I do think the Bills are a good team, and everyone knows the Dolphins are a bad team so the outcome wasn’t a surprise. Over the last two decades the Bills were the bad team that always found new ways to lose. Being good this season they are finding ways to win. What prevents them from being a great team is that inability to play a complete game for all four quarters of football. You know, to go up early on an inferior team and step on their throat. Until we start seeing that, every Sunday is going to give us Bills fans heart palpitations.

That continues this Sunday as we take on the Philadelphia Eagles. The Eagles are underperforming and desperate for a win, which makes this a dangerous game for Buffalo. If the Bills can pull it out, we’ll be 6-1 for the first time since 1993.

That’s the Super Bowl years folks.

Come on down to Public House and catch the game with us at 1pm. I had some folks sit with me last week that hadn’t been to a game with NYCBBB in years, and all were so impressed with the bar, atmosphere and service in our new home. The “I’ll come check it out” turned into “you’re going to see me more this season” by game’s end.

If you haven’t been to Public House, come check it out for yourself, doors open at 10am!

As a side note, the Sabres were in town last night and got trounced by the Rangers. I totally dropped the ball on that one and should have planned a tailgate party. My bad, next year! I promise!

Go Bills!

Go Sabres!


Matt “Talkin’ Proud and am really hoping for 6-1” Kabel