Hello all 708 Bill fans!
I received a nice email from my cousins down in Ft. Meyers. They said that after dealing with Hurricane Charley, they had their power restored late Saturday evening and upon reading my NYCBBB email, realized they could flip on the TV and watch the Bills pre-season game. This lifted their sprits as you can imagine, especially after seeing the play of JP Losman and Willis McGahee! Thanks to the WELL over 100 Bills fans that showed up last weekend to watch the PRE-SEASON game at McFadden’s! Matt and I are amazed that so many of you showed up, and realized we can expect record-breaking crowds this season!
Bills / Titans
It was reported today that this weekend’s Titans/Bills pre-season match up at The Ralph is close to a sell-out! A Bills pre-season game has not sold out since 1973 when the stadium opened! Unfortunately, the game will not be televised live. It will be re-played Sunday morning at 7am on the NFL Network. Since all of WESTERN NEW YORK is fired up about this game, it makes sense for us to find a way to show NYCBBB members the match up!
So here’s the plan. We’ve found a member to tape the game for us, and McFadden’s will play the game for us at 4:30 on Sunday afternoon. In addition, the NFL Network will be re-broadcasting last weekend’s Denver/Bills match up at 8. The cool thing about this is its been condensed to an hour, and there will be no announcers, just the sounds of the field and the players/coaches who were wired up. This is the first time this has ever been done, and should make you feel like you’re in the game! Plus, if you missed the play of Losman/McGahee that EVERYBODY is talking about, it will allow you to catch-up!
So…Titans/Bills at 4:30 and Broncos/Bills “Sounds of the Game” at 8pm.
McFadden’s will run the optional wing/beer specials from 4pm to 9pm. See you there!
Bills/Jets in Buffalo
There are still tickets available for the Bills/Jets game in Buffalo that NYCBBB is heading to. Please email me if you are interested, or email the contact person that I provided!
Matt Soreco and I will be heading down to McFadden’s tomorrow to do a food-tasting with McFadden’s’ staff. We want to ensure that all the food on the NYCBBB Football Menu will be tailored to the liking to our WNY members’ liking!
Nicole and I are off to Western New York and London after this weekend, so this is my last Bills-event until the season opener on September 12th. We’re gettin’ the heck out of here for the convention and going to do some sight seeing in downtown Buffalo! Its up to Matt Soreco if we show the other pre-season games at McFadden’s, so show up on Sunday to convince him that this is a necessity!
— Matt “talkin proud and can’t wait to return to the Holy Land next weekend!” Kabel